Sunday, August 8, 2010


For some reason, today's poem from Poetry Daily struck me. So beautiful. I love that it's a

poem titled life, that it's about rain which is life from heaven, that it's also a love poem, and

that it's got these awesome little French phrases throughout. I like the grounds/grinds/ground

repetition. I like the wind sowing its thoughts as rain. I like coffee being beans for our

morning cup. I really don't know what 'white lies' refers to in the last stanza, but would

love to hear suggestions.

La Vie By Aaron Belz

It rains, il pleut, all over
my grounds. It blows,
le vent, the treetops around.

I love mon papillon
as she's waking up
among twisted sheets;

I love ma belle
as she grinds beans
for our morning cup.

Cher vent, come sow
your thoughts in the ground.
Bring us de l'eau,

coarse trees, fresh streets,
white lies—old hat
under these new skies.

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