What must a gardener do to grow a mature, strong plant that will be capable of bearing much good fruit?
-the sun must give it warmth and light from above
-the soil must not be hard or harsh, but prepared beforehand with much work and care, and contain enough rich minerals to sustain life
-it must be watered faithfully and plentifully, but gently, not in torrents like a waterfall but with a quiet touch like rain
-greedy bugs and worms, and crippling diseases, must be spotted from the beginning and ruthlessly removed
-as the plant grows, weeds will grow as well. These must be carefully and continually picked out, so that their greed doesn't steal all the attention of light and water from the plant and stunt its growth or kill it entirely. Some weeds look suspiciously like good plants, or like harmless neighbors that might dwell in harmony with them. Large plants and trees may fight well enough for the water and sun their roots and branches need, but delicate seedlings may not.
-as the tares are taken out, the small plant should be mounded about with extra soil to cover its roots and strengthen its stem. This is tedious work, but taking the time to draw the dark earth well around the base of each plant will provide it with the space it needs to expand its root-growth which it will need in order to grow proportionately in stature and strength.
-if the plant is surrounded by so many other things (either weeds or other garden plants or piles of gardening tools) for so long that it is supported by them, leaning its stem and leaves on them, its own strength will be feeble; it will be weak and floppy, and a pale color that shows that it has been sheltered too much from the heat of the sun. Encouraging the plant to stand on its own from the beginning will bring the strongest, healthiest results.
I like this!!! you added even more than what we had originally stated, but it all makes such clear sense! Good job!