I've been thinking almost constantly about connecting with my community here, hoping to belong here more and more, and to bless those around me even as they bless me. I am learning to love people more this year than ever before. It has been a good evening on that front and I pray for it to continue.
167. Thankful for the residents at Clark House, and how they remind me of my grandparents who have passed away, and of the frailty of life, and the love of God to the very end.
168. For Jeremiah and Noai and the Rouch family, who are faithful in their ministry to these people through song, prayer, handshakes and conversation.
169. For the hymnals there that hold so many of the good old songs I have been missing.
170. For the voices - tiny and clear, old and wavering, middle-aged and firm, young and eager - that sing these songs.
171. For my car, that took me safely from home to there and back again, and then on to the book study.
172. For Mrs. Lawyer - her wisdom, her smile, her bluntness, her love.
173. For Rachel's cookies and the Maki girls' hospitality every week.
174. For the girls who joke and love and wink and shove on the way out the door.
175. For white stuff floating down, and for voices saying Merry Christmas 48 days early.
176. For that moment when you're all standing there with your car doors open and one leg ready to step into it but you are still talking and laughing with everyone and not quite ready to end the time together.
177. For girls who call hello as soon as I come into our house, and who ask me how I am as soon as I enter the room where they are studying their various subjects.
Bobbi,I love your writing. But most of all, I love your heart!