Thanks 155-166
155. Grocery stores. Sometimes I feel suddenly overwhelmed at the number of choices to make there, unable to decide which kind of salad dressing to get. Other times, I am floored by the abundance of God evident in the heaps of food around me.
156. Calculating my money, the emptiness of my cupboards, and each item I take from a shelf at the store, so that the total at the cash register comes out within cents of my budget.
157. Slices of apples and cheddar
158. The Spirit of Food: 34 writers on feasting and fasting toward God.
159. Simple Americano with a pinch of sugar and a slosh of cream
160. The smell that hits me when I open our pantry to the sacks of apples waiting to become apple butter.
161. With the help of Emma, getting all of the dishes washed from our chicken, rice and gravy dinner last night. Brings back good memories of the fellowship, re-stocks the cupboard with clean dishes for today, clears the counter and makes us look like responsible housekeepers.
162. The multi-colored and-pattered plates in our cupboard that bring the same tasty things to each of us in different ways.
163. Opening my freezer to find the bag of dark chocolate chips I bought on sale a week ago and forgot about.
164. A fresh bag of coffee in the cupboard, thanks to Maria.
165. Communion tomorrow morning with my beloved church family, my Lord and Savior, and the rest of His body around the world and throughout history.
166. Sunday dinner invite from friends, and preparing our contribution to the meal ahead of time.
Isn't it crazy how our lives, every one of ours, revolves around food? it's nice God didn't make it all exactly the same.